At Noya British School, our commitment to inclusion extends to every student, and our teachers are integral to this ethos. All educators are regarded as teachers of students with additional needs, ensuring that they play a pivotal role in the teaching and learning journey for every student. Teachers actively identify students facing challenges in their learning, collaborating closely with parents and our highly skilled Inclusion team to ensure that those requiring additional support are recognised at an early stage.
Our approach follows a graduated model, acknowledging the diverse continuum of special educational needs. At Tier 1, we prioritise Quality First Teaching, where support is tailored to the individual through adaptive and differentiated teaching strategies, including a Universal Design for Learning approach. Examples include reasonable adjustments, assistive technology, and personalised in-class support.
Moving to Tier 2, additional support goes beyond differentiated teaching, offering specific, time-limited interventions such as small group activities or short-term programmes. A minority of students may benefit from this level, and would be an individual education plan or personalised inclusion plan.
At Tier 3, which represents individualised and specialised provision, a select few students may necessitate full-time support or long-term programmes beyond the regular school curriculum. It is important to note that some provisions at Tier 3 may require additional services beyond regular school fees and may be at an additional cost to parents. These services will be coordinated and facilitated by the Inclusion team, outlined in a Documented Learning Plan, and established in collaboration with the family and specialist working with the child.
At Noya British School, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment and community where every student has the opportunity to thrive, learn, and succeed, recognising and meeting their unique needs along their educational journey.